Data Protec­tion

We prio­ri­tize data protection

The protec­tion of your privacy when proces­sing personal data is an important prio­rity for us. When you visit our website, our web servers routi­nely record the IP of your internet service provider, the website linking you to us, the web pages you visit on our site, and the date and dura­tion of your visit. This infor­ma­tion is impe­ra­tively required for the tech­nical trans­mis­sion of web page data, and for secure server opera­tions. A perso­na­lised evalua­tion of this data will not be conducted.
Data submitted through our contact form will be stored on our servers as part of our data backup process. We will only use your data for proces­sing your request. Your data will be treated as strictly confi­den­tial. It will not be passed on to third parties.


BOS Deutsch­land e.V.
Borneo Oran­gutan Survival Deutsch­land
c/o Impact Hub Berlin
Roll­berg­straße 28A
12053 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 890 60 76 0
E‑Mail: [email protected]

Personal data

Personal data is data about you. This includes your name, address and email address. You do not have to disc­lose any personal data when visi­ting our website. Occa­sio­nally however, personal infor­ma­tion may be required for the provi­sion of services requested by you, such as for example sending infor­ma­tion mate­rial or when respon­ding to your enqui­ries. However, in such cases you will be noti­fied of this fact. Gene­rally, we only store data that has been auto­ma­ti­cally trans­mitted, or that you have volun­t­a­rily provided.
When using one of our services, we typi­cally only collect the data that is neces­sary for provi­ding this service. We may occa­sio­nally ask you for further infor­ma­tion, but this will be on an optional, volun­tary basis. When­ever we process personal data, we do so in order to provide you with our services, or to pursue our finan­cial objectives.

Auto­ma­ti­cally stored data

Server log files
The website provider auto­ma­ti­cally coll­ects infor­ma­tion that your browser auto­ma­ti­cally trans­mits and stores it in so-called server log files. This infor­ma­tion includes:
Date and time of the request
Name of the requested file
Page from which the file was requested
Access status (file trans­ferred, file not found, etc.)
Web browser and opera­ting system used
complete IP address of the system sending the request
amount of data trans­ferred
This data is not merged with other data sources. Proces­sing it is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO (the German Data Protec­tion Act) on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rest in impro­ving the stabi­lity and func­tion­a­lity of our website.
For reasons of tech­nical secu­rity, parti­cu­larly for defen­ding against attempted attacks on our web server, we store this data for a short period of time. It is not possible for us to draw conclu­sions about indi­vi­dual persons on the basis of this data. After seven days at the latest, the data is rendered anony­mous by shor­tening the IP address to the domain level, making it impos­sible to estab­lish a link to indi­vi­dual users. The anony­mous data is then used for statis­tical purposes. It will not be compared with other data­bases, and it will not be passed on to third parties, not even parti­ally. Infor­ma­tion such as the number of page visits will only be presented as part of our server statis­tics, which we publish every two years in our acti­vity report.



When you visit our website, we may store infor­ma­tion on your computer in the form of cookies. Cookies are small files that are trans­ferred from an internet server to your browser and are then stored on your system´s hard drive as part of the browser history. The only infor­ma­tion that will be stored is the internet protocol address — but no personal data. Cookies, where this infor­ma­tion is recorded, allow us to iden­tify you and your system on your next visit to our website. The legal basis for the use of cookies is the legi­ti­mate inte­rest accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO.
You can of course also visit our website without accep­ting cookies. In case you do not want your system to be reco­g­nised on your next visit, you can reject the use of cookies by chan­ging the settings in your browser accor­dingly. Details on this proce­dure can be found in the opera­ting instruc­tions of your specific browser. However, rejec­ting cookies may cause some limi­ta­tions in the func­tion­a­lity of certain areas of our website.

Google Tag Manager

This website is using Google Tag Manager. The Tag Manager does not collect any personal data. The tool does however manage tags and their trig­gers which may collect data when acti­vated. Google Tag Manager does not access this data. In case a deac­ti­va­tion has been set on domain or cookie level, this deac­ti­va­tion remains in place for all tracking tags imple­mented with Google Tag Manager. Google’s privacy policy for this tool can be found here:

Google Analy­tics with anony­mi­sa­tion function

We also use Google Analy­tics, a web analy­tics service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, (herein­after referred to as “Google”), on our website. Google Analy­tics uses “cookies”, small text files placed and stored on your system in order to faci­li­tate an analysis of website usage.
The infor­ma­tion gene­rated by these cookies, such as the time, loca­tion and frequency of your website visits, or your IP address, is trans­mitted to and stored on Google servers in the United States.
On our website, we use Google Analy­tics with the supple­mental “_gat._anonymizeIp”. Within the Euro­pean Union and in count­ries that are part of the Euro­pean Economic Area, your IP address will thereby auto­ma­ti­cally be shor­tened and thus rendered anony­mous by Google.
Google will use this infor­ma­tion for the purpose of evalua­ting your use of our website, for compi­ling reports on website acti­vity for website opera­tors, and for provi­ding other services related to website acti­vity and internet usage. Google may also pass this infor­ma­tion on to third parties should this be required by law, or when a third party processes this data on behalf of Google.
Google has expli­citly stated that it will not link your IP address to any other data it has obtained. You may reject the use of cookies by selec­ting the respec­tive settings in your browser. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all the func­tions of our website to their full extent.
Further­more, Google offers a deac­ti­va­tion add-on for the most common brow­sers, which gives you more control over the data Google coll­ects on the websites you visit. This add-on noti­fies the Java­Script (ga.js) in Google Analy­tics that no infor­ma­tion about your website visits should be trans­mitted. However, the Google Analy­tics browser deac­ti­va­tion add-on does not prevent the trans­mis­sion of infor­ma­tion to us or to other web analy­tics services we may use. For more infor­ma­tion on how to install the browser add-on, please click on the follo­wing link:
If you access our site from a mobile device (smart­phone or tablet), you must instead click this link in order to prevent Google Analy­tics from tracking you on this website in the future. This can also be done as an alter­na­tive to the browser add-on mentioned above. By clicking the link, an opt-out cookie will be set in your browser that is only valid for this parti­cular browser and our domain. If you delete the cookies in this browser, the opt-out cookie will be deleted as well, so that you would have to click the link again.
In case you have consented to connec­ting your web and app brow­sing history with your Google account, and to Google using this and other infor­ma­tion from your Google account for perso­na­li­sing ads, Google will use this infor­ma­tion along with Google Analy­tics data in order to develop target customer lists for cross-device remar­ke­ting. To faci­li­tate this, Google Analy­tics initi­ally captures your Google-authen­ti­cated ID linked to your Google Account (i.e. personal data) when you visit our website. Google Analy­tics will then tempo­r­a­rily link your ID to your Google Analy­tics data in order to opti­mise our targe­ting.
Should you not agree to this, you can disable this func­tion by chan­ging the corre­spon­ding settings in the “My account” section of your Google account.

Google Adser­vices / Google AdWords Conver­sion Tracking

Our website uses online marke­ting tools from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. The purpose of these tools is to reco­g­nise that a parti­cular visitor has found our website through a Google ad. Google uses cookies that are stored on your system and faci­li­tate the analysis of website usage. The cookies enab­ling so-called “conver­sion tracking” are set when you click on an ad placed by Google. These cookies lose their vali­dity after 30 days and are not used for personal iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. If you wish to prevent “conver­sion tracking”, you can set your browser to block cookies from the domain “”. You can also exer­cise your right to opt-out.
If you would like to know more about these methods or about your options for keeping Google from using this infor­ma­tion, please click here:

Google Remar­ke­ting

Our website also uses Google’s remar­ke­ting func­tion. This func­tion allows for the presen­ta­tion of inte­rest-based adver­ti­se­ments to website visi­tors within the Google adver­ti­sing network. The tech­no­logy permits us to place auto­ma­ti­cally gene­rated, targeted adver­ti­se­ments on our website subse­quent to your visit. The ads are based on the products and services you clicked on during your last visit to our website. Required for this to work is a cookie that can reco­gnize when­ever a specific visitor accesses a website that is part of Google’s adver­ti­sing network. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your system along with your browser history. Infor­ma­tion typi­cally stored by Google includes details of your specific web request, the IP address, browser type, browser language, and the date and time of your request. This infor­ma­tion can be used for linking the web browser to a specific system. On any page connected to the Google adver­ti­sing network, the visitor can then be presented with targeted adver­ti­se­ments related to previously viewed content on websites using Google’s remar­ke­ting func­tion.
Should you have consented (at to your brow­sing history being linked to your Google account, and to Google using this and other infor­ma­tion from your Google account for perso­na­li­sing ads, the remar­ke­ting func­tion will work across all of your devices as well. Google uses your Google ID for achie­ving cross-device reco­gni­tion.
Google asserts that no personal data is coll­ected during this process. Nevert­heless, in case you do not want to use Google’s remar­ke­ting func­tion, you can deac­ti­vate it by clicking on OPT-OUT here.
You may also reject the use of cookies by selec­ting the appro­priate settings in your browser. However, please note that this may affect some of the features of this website.
For more infor­ma­tion on how Google uses cookies, please refer to Google’s privacy policy.

GA Audi­ence

Our website uses GA Audi­ence, another service provided by Google. GA Audi­ence also uses cookies, which are stored on your system or mobile device and faci­li­tate an analysis of the usage of this system or device. Some of the coll­ected data is evaluated on a cross-device basis. Google Audi­ence is granted access to the cookies created for Google Adwords and Google Analy­tics. Infor­ma­tion such as the user’s IP address and acti­vi­ties may be trans­mitted to a Google server and stored there. Google. may also transfer this infor­ma­tion to third parties should this be required by law, or when a third party is proces­sing this data on behalf of Google. You can prevent the coll­ec­tion, proces­sing and poten­tial sharing of your personal data ( parti­cu­larly your IP address) by blocking the execu­tion of Java­Script in your browser, or by instal­ling a tool such as ‘NoScript’. You can also prevent the gene­ra­tion of data related to your website usage (inclu­ding your IP address) and the subse­quent proces­sing by Google by down­loa­ding and instal­ling the browser plugin available under the follo­wing link:( Further infor­ma­tion on data protec­tion when using GA Audi­ence can be found here:

Google Web Fonts

Google Web Fonts ( are used to improve the visual presen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion provided on our website. The web fonts are trans­ferred to the browser’s cache when the page is accessed so that they can be used for the display. If the browser does not support Google Web Fonts, or prevents access, the text will be displayed in a stan­dard font. The process of down­loa­ding web fonts required for an optimal web page display does not involve any cookies. Any data auto­ma­ti­cally gene­rated by a page access request is trans­mitted to resource-specific domains such as or This infor­ma­tion will not be asso­ciated with any data that may have been coll­ected or processed in connec­tion with the parallel use of authen­ti­cated Google services such as Gmail.
You can set your browser so that web fonts will not be down­loaded from Google servers (for example by instal­ling add-ons such as NoScript, or Ghos­tery for Firefox). In case your browser does not support Google Fonts or you prevent access to the Google servers, the text will be displayed in the system’s default font. Infor­ma­tion on the data protec­tion condi­tions of Google Web Fonts is available at:
Infor­ma­tion on the Google data protec­tion decla­ra­tion and on Google’s terms of use can be obtained directly from Google:

YouTube in privacy-enhanced mode

We use the provider YouTube for embed­ding videos. The videos were embedded using Youtube´s privacy-enhanced mode. However, similar to most internet provi­ders, YouTube also uses cookies to collect infor­ma­tion about visi­tors to its site. Among other things, YouTube uses them to collect video statis­tics, to prevent fraud and to improve user-friend­li­ness. Further­more, they estab­lish a connec­tion with Google’s Double­Click network. When you start a video, addi­tional data proces­sing might be trig­gered. We have no control over this. For more infor­ma­tion about data protec­tion at YouTube, please see their privacy policy at:

Use of Face­book Remarketing

Our website utilises Facebook’s “Custom Audi­ences” remar­ke­ting feature. This func­tion has been desi­gned to present inte­rest-based adver­ti­se­ments on the social network (“Face­book Ads”) to visi­tors of websites using this feature. In order to imple­ment this func­tion, the Face­book remar­ke­ting tag (the so-called “Face­book pixel”) has been imple­mented on this website. Through this tag, a direct connec­tion to the Face­book servers is estab­lished when­ever our website is visited. Infor­ma­tion trans­mitted to Face­book includes a noti­fi­ca­tion of your visit to our website, and Face­book attri­butes this infor­ma­tion to your personal Face­book account. You will then be shown perso­na­lised, inte­rest-based Face­book ads when subse­quently acces­sing Face­book. Data coll­ec­tion and proces­sing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO as a legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the above-mentioned purpose can be assumed. You have the right to object to the proces­sing of your personal data on the grounds of Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO at any time. The “Custom Audi­ences” remar­ke­ting func­tion can be deac­ti­vated at the follo­wing address: You will need to be logged in to Face­book for this to work. For more infor­ma­tion on the coll­ec­tion and use of data by Face­book, as well as on your rights in this regard and on options for protec­ting your privacy, please visit

Micro­soft Forms

From time to time, we may ask you to parti­ci­pate in surveys with the purpose of provi­ding feed­back on our work. We process the surveys with the help of Micro­soft Form, a service of the Micro­soft Corpo­ra­tion, One Micro­soft Way, Redmond, WA 98052–6399, USA. In the surveys, we do not ask you for personal data, nor can we assign your answers to you perso­nally. We ther­e­fore do not process any personal data with Micro­soft Forms.
Micro­soft Forms is utilised by us as a service provided on the basis of a contract and in accordance with data protec­tion regu­la­tions. Micro­soft as a company has committed itself to complying with all requi­re­ments estab­lished in the EU US Privacy Shield Agree­ment. Addi­tional infor­ma­tion can be obtained from the Micro­soft Forms data protec­tion decla­ra­tion, which you can access here: The Terms of Use, which are part of the contract between BOS Germany and Micro­soft Forms, are available here:


For the elec­tronic distri­bu­tion of our news­letter, we employ the so-called double opt-in proce­dure: you will only receive the news­letter e‑mail after you have expli­citly expressed your inte­rest and submitted your acti­va­tion request. We will then send you a noti­fi­ca­tion e‑mail contai­ning an acti­va­tion link that you must click, thereby recon­fir­ming that you wish to receive our news­letter. When subscribing to our news­letter, your IP address and the respec­tive date will be saved. This is solely for having a record in case a third party misuses your e‑mail address and regis­ters you for the news­letter without your know­ledge or autho­ri­sa­tion. Your news­letter subscrip­tion can be cancelled at any time.

Data secu­rity

We have imple­mented tech­nical and admi­nis­tra­tive secu­rity measures aimed at protec­ting your personal data against loss, destruc­tion, mani­pu­la­tion and unaut­ho­rised access. All of our employees as well as service provi­ders working on our behalf are obliged to comply with the appli­cable data protec­tion laws.
When­ever we collect and process personal data, it will be encrypted before it is trans­mitted. Your data can thus not be misused by third parties. Our secu­rity measures are subject to a conti­nuous impro­ve­ment process and our data protec­tion poli­cies are constantly being revised. Please ensure that you have the latest version.

Data subject rights

You have the right to infor­ma­tion, to recti­fi­ca­tion, to erasure, to rest­rict proces­sing of your personal data, the right to object, to data porta­bi­lity, and the right to not be the subject of a decision that is only based on some form of auto­mated decision-making.
Right to infor­ma­tion:
You may request infor­ma­tion from us as to whether and to what extent we process your data.
Right to recti­fi­ca­tion:
If proces­sing your data results in incom­plete or inac­cu­rate infor­ma­tion, you may request that we rectify or complete this infor­ma­tion.
Right to erasure:
You may request that we erase your data if this data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was origi­nally coll­ected, if your data has been processed unlawfully, or if proces­sing your data dispro­por­tio­na­tely inter­feres with your legi­ti­mate inte­rests in protec­ting your personal data. Please note that there may be reasons that prevent imme­diate dele­tion, e.g. in the case of legally regu­lated reten­tion obli­ga­tions.
Irre­spec­tive of how the right to erasure is exer­cised and applied, we will imme­dia­tely and comple­tely erase your data, unless there is a legal or statu­tory obli­ga­tion to retain it.
Right to limi­ta­tion of proces­sing:
You may request us to rest­rict the proces­sing of your data if
- you dispute the accu­racy of the data, for a period of time that allows us to verify the accu­racy of the data.
- the proces­sing of the data is unlawful, but you object to erasure and request rest­ric­tion of data use instead,
- we no longer need the data for the intended purpose, but you still need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
- you have objected to the proces­sing of the data.
Right to data porta­bi­lity:
You may request that we make the data we received from you available to you in a struc­tured, commonly used and readable format and that we do not inter­fere should you wish to transfer this data to another data control­ling entity, provided that:
- we have processed your personal data based on your revo­cable consent, or in order to perform a contract between us, and
- this proces­sing is carried out with the aid of auto­mated proce­dures.
If tech­ni­cally feasible, you may request us to transfer your data directly to another data controller.

Right to object:

You may object to our use of your data in cases where your data has been processed for a task of public inte­rest, as part of the exer­cise of offi­cial autho­rity, or after a weig­hing of inte­rests. We will then no longer process your data unless we can demons­trate compel­ling and legi­ti­mate reasons that over­ride your inte­rests, rights and free­doms, or the proces­sing is for the asser­tion, exer­cise or defence of legal claims. You may object to the proces­sing of your data for the purpose of direct marke­ting at any time without giving reasons.

Right to lodge a complaint:

If you suspect that we are viola­ting German or Euro­pean data protec­tion law when proces­sing your data, please contact us so that we can clarify any ques­tions. Of course, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a super­vi­sory autho­rity in charge of your area, such as the respec­tive federal state office for data protec­tion super­vi­sion in Germany.
Should you wish to assert any of the afore­men­tioned rights against us, please contact our data protec­tion officer. In case of doubt, we may request addi­tional infor­ma­tion to confirm your identity.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy should this become neces­sary due to new tech­no­lo­gies. Please ensure that you read the most recent version. If any signi­fi­cant changes have been made to our privacy policy, we will announce them on our website.
All inte­rested parties and visi­tors to our website can contact us regar­ding data protec­tion issues at:
Mr. Chris­tian Volkmer
Project 29 GmbH & Co. KG
Osten­gasse 14
93047 Regens­burg
Tel.: 0941 2986930
Fax: 0941 29869316
E‑mail: [email protected]

Sonja Wende

You have a question?

Sonja Wende can help you under:

Dona­tions are a matter of trust

Trans­pa­rent use of funds is a matter of course for us. In September 2013, we joined the a non profit initia­tive of Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Germany and signed its decla­ra­tion of commitment.