
Imprint BOS Deutsch­land e.V.

BOS Deutsch­land e.V. — Borneo Oran­gutan Survival Deutschland

Impact Hub Berlin
Roll­berg­straße 28A
12053 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 890 60 76 0
E‑Mail: [email protected]


Leon­hard Graf Roth­kirch-Trach
Susann Ehmke
Chris­tian Lichtenau

Fee Nanett Trau
Katja Pylen

Scien­tific adviser:
Dr. Willie Smits

Advi­sers to the board:

Anna-Lea Bensch
Rolf Fuhr­mann
Sebas­tian Schorr

Daniel Merdes

Online edito­rial team:
Denitza Toteva, Susanne Danke, Sonja Wende


The website is based on Open-Source-CMS WordPress

BOS Deutsch­land, BOS Foun­da­tion, Björn Vaughn / BPI, Jaya­pra­kash Bojan, Boris Jarosch, Martin Kruszka, Jana Rebholz, Rita Sastrawan, Maik Schaffer, Chris­tine Szyska, Boris Thiemig, Anna Voß, Olaf Kosinsky unter der freien Lizenz CC BY-SA 3.0‑de für das Bild von Henri­ette Richter-Röhl

All photos on the website are protected by copy­right and are not freely available for commer­cial purposes. If you would like to use photos from BOS, please contact us at email: [email protected].

Liabi­lity Notice: Despite careful content moni­to­ring, we do not assume liabi­lity for the content of external links. The opera­tors of the linked pages are solely respon­sible for their content.

Respon­sible in terms of press law
Daniel Merdes

Register of Associations:

BOS Deutsch­land e.V. is a non profit orga­ni­sa­tion. Spenden und Mitglieds­bei­träge sind abzugs­fähig.
Vereins­re­gister: Amts­ge­richt Char­lot­ten­burg, Berlin, Nr. 24216 B; Frei­stel­lungs­be­scheid: Finanzamt f. Körper­schaften I Berlin, St.Nr.: 27/661/56139

VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number accor­ding to § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act:DE327246736

Dona­tions are a matter of trust

Trans­pa­rent use of funds is a matter of course for us. In September 2013, we joined the a non profit initia­tive of Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Germany and signed its decla­ra­tion of commitment.