
Protect the orangutans

Orang-Utan Monyo mit Babysitterin

Protect the orangutans

Join Us in Rescuing Borneo’s Last Orangutans

Oran­gutans, our closest genetic rela­tives, call the pris­tine rain­fo­rests of Borneo and Sumatra home in Indo­nesia. However, our consump­tion habits are swiftly destroying their natural habitat. The produc­tion of palm oil, tropical timber, coal, and paper has led to the devas­ta­tion of nearly 20 million hectares of vital forests in Borneo alone. As a conse­quence, these magni­fi­cent crea­tures are hunted, traded, and pushed to the brink as they search for food and shelter.
At BOS, we rescue, reha­bi­li­tate, and release oran­gutans. We protect rain­fo­rest biodi­ver­sity and restore peat swamp forests. Oran­gutan conser­va­tion means saving rain­fo­rests and fighting climate change.

Join our mission to save Borneo’s oran­gutans from extinction!

The oran­gutan is on the brink of extinc­tion. BOS rescues orphaned and injured oran­gutans. In our two rescue centers in Borneo, we curr­ently care for appro­xi­m­ately 400 great apes. They receive medical atten­tion and undergo a years-long reha­bi­li­ta­tion process to prepare for release into the wild.

Join us in saving Borneo’s last orangutans.


BOS protects 460,680 hectares of rain­fo­rest. Within these areas, we release reha­bi­li­tated oran­gutans and restore peat swamp rain­fo­rests. Toge­ther with local commu­ni­ties, we estab­lish sustainable liveli­hoods and safe­guard these forests from destruc­tive fires.

We’re crea­ting a home for both people and wild­life, streng­thening the Earth’s green lungs. Your dona­tion helps us create new habi­tats for oran­gutans and count­less other species.

The oran­gutan is on the brink of extinc­tion. BOS rescues orphaned and injured oran­gutans. In our two rescue centers in Borneo, we curr­ently care for appro­xi­m­ately 400 great apes. They receive medical atten­tion and undergo a years-long reha­bi­li­ta­tion process to prepare for release into the wild.

Join us in saving Borneo’s last orangutans.

BOS protects 460,680 hectares of rain­fo­rest. Within these areas, we release reha­bi­li­tated oran­gutans and restore peat swamp rain­fo­rests. Toge­ther with local commu­ni­ties, we estab­lish sustainable liveli­hoods and safe­guard these forests from destruc­tive fires.

We’re crea­ting a home for both people and wild­life, streng­thening the Earth’s green lungs. Your dona­tion helps us create new habi­tats for oran­gutans and count­less other species.


Rain­fo­rest destruction

Borneo was once almost enti­rely covered by rain­fo­rest. However, mono­cul­tures for palm oil and paper produc­tion, mining, and the logging of tropical timber have coll­ec­tively destroyed 30 percent of Borneo’s rainforests.

Palm oil

Many super­market products, from cosme­tics to pet food and biodiesel, contain palm oil. Most of it comes from Indo­nesia and Malaysia, contri­bu­ting to the destruc­tion of oran­gutan habitats.

Illegal wild­life trade and poaching

The illicit trade in protected animals and animal products ranks fourth in orga­nized crime world­wide. It poses one of the grea­test threats to biodiversity.

Our vision

We strongly believe that all of us must now take respon­si­bi­lity for the survival of the oran­gutans and the Indo­ne­sian rainforest.

Toge­ther we fight to ensure that the oran­gutan popu­la­tion grows, that the biodi­ver­sity of the rain­fo­rest in Borneo is preserved, and that the people and the climate benefit.

What have we achieved so far?

Oran­gutan releases

Wild born oran­gutan babys

Hectar rain­fo­rest under protection

Who is BOS?

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More Infor­ma­tion

Make a dona­tion for the orangutans

Make a one-time donation

Oran­gutans need our help! With your dona­tion for the oran­gutans you accom­pany and support an oran­gutan on its journey until its release into the wild.

Make a dona­tion for the orangutans

Make a one-time donation

Oran­gutans need our help! With your dona­tion for the oran­gutans you accom­pany and support an oran­gutan on its journey until its release into the wild.

Oran­gutan Rescue Center Nyaru Menteng

Refo­re­sta­tion area Mawas

Oran­gutan Rescue Center Samboja Lestari


Orang-Utan-Baby trinkt Milch

Forest for life

Every year, destruc­tive wild­fires rage across Borneo, consuming ever­y­thing they touch with ruthless deter­mi­na­tion. Most criti­cally, the unique Mawas peat swamp is repea­tedly threa­tened by fire. That’s why it’s crucial that we restore and refo­rest Mawas – before it’s too late!

Your dona­tion for the orangutans

BOS Germany operates as a serious nature and species conser­va­tion orga­niza­tion that, above all, values trans­pa­rency. We have been estab­lished as a regis­tered non-profit orga­niza­tion for more than 20 years and have joined the trans­pa­rency initia­tive of “Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional” (ITZ) since 2013. Your aid will be put to use exactly where it is needed: with the oran­gutans in Borneo. With your spon­sor­ship or dona­tion, you are giving the last Asian great ape a future.

Our projects for the protec­tion of the oran­gutan and the rainforest

BOS stands for Borneo Oran­gutan Survival — and exactly that is our goal: the survival of the oran­gutan. We are a non-profit nature and species conser­va­tion orga­ni­sa­tion working in an inter­na­tional network with partner orga­ni­sa­tions to protect the oran­gutan and its habitat. In Borneo, we operate two oran­gutan reha­bi­li­ta­tion centres where rescued oran­gutans are prepared for an inde­pen­dent life in protected rain­fo­rests. Further­more, we refo­rest destroyed rain­fo­rests. You too, have the oppor­tu­nity to help oran­gutans and the rainforest.